My assignment was to take a “social norms” approach to address binge-drinking on campus for the SMU Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center. Their studies showed that, because of age-old stereotypes, students think the majority of college students drink much more than they actually do. And because they don’t want to be excluded from the popular majority, this leads students to participate in the unhealthy behavior of the reckless minority. But how do you make being normal attractive to college students? Circus freaks—that's how. This campaign informed students who drink responsibly that they are actually a part of the healthy crowd while binge-drinkers are the freaks outside the social norm. These 24”x 36” posters were so wildly popular campus-wide that students were "stealing" them and hanging them in their dorm rooms—apparently a breath of fresh air after being desensitized to years of outdated “Just say no!” messages.

Step right up! But not too close to the grotesque eruption of the inebriated ignoramus as he spews and spurts his foul and wretched ooze. You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is that the campus average is only three. This means the bubbling, binge-drinking belcher is a rare and freakish species to avoid rather than imitate.
Step right up! But not too close to the grotesque eruption of the inebriated ignoramus as he spews and spurts his foul and wretched ooze. You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is that the campus average is only three. This means the bubbling, binge-drinking belcher is a rare and freakish species to avoid rather than imitate.

The greatest fashion show on earth! The right shoes, the right skirt, the wrong breath. You’re looking at a walking contradiction here, folks, the ultimate fashion faux pas. You might think that most SMU students go drinking several times a week, when the actual average is only twice a month. Drinking too much is a destructive problem that can’t be dressed up, no matter how exclusive the label.
The greatest fashion show on earth! The right shoes, the right skirt, the wrong breath. You’re looking at a walking contradiction here, folks, the ultimate fashion faux pas. You might think that most SMU students go drinking several times a week, when the actual average is only twice a month. Drinking too much is a destructive problem that can’t be dressed up, no matter how exclusive the label.

Come one, come all! Witness before your very eyes the obnoxious behavior of the few, the freakish, the binge-drinking weirdos. You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is that the campus average is only three. So, don’t feel like you have to live up to stereotypes that are far from reality and the rare exception to the rest of us who realize the crude college chugga-lugger is a pitiful oddity and not the norm.
Come one, come all! Witness before your very eyes the obnoxious behavior of the few, the freakish, the binge-drinking weirdos. You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is that the campus average is only three. So, don’t feel like you have to live up to stereotypes that are far from reality and the rare exception to the rest of us who realize the crude college chugga-lugger is a pitiful oddity and not the norm.

Come one, come all! Behold the ghastly spectacle of the rude, the crude, the socially ignorant beast of booze.You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is the campus average is only three. So, contrary topopular opinion, most know how to drink responsibly without morphing into the barbarous swine whose only chance for love in this life will be with the bearded lady.
Come one, come all! Behold the ghastly spectacle of the rude, the crude, the socially ignorant beast of booze.You might think that most SMU students put away a half-dozen drinks every time they go out, but the truth is the campus average is only three. So, contrary topopular opinion, most know how to drink responsibly without morphing into the barbarous swine whose only chance for love in this life will be with the bearded lady.

Step right up! Feel free to point, gawk and stare at the grotesque Queen of Ugly because her vision’s too blurred to make out your face in the crowd. You might think that most SMU students go drinking several times a week, when the actual average is only twice a month.Embarrassing yourself when you’ve had too many will do more damage to your reputation than your bloodshot eyes, so drink responsibly.
Step right up! Feel free to point, gawk and stare at the grotesque Queen of Ugly because her vision’s too blurred to make out your face in the crowd. You might think that most SMU students go drinking several times a week, when the actual average is only twice a month.Embarrassing yourself when you’ve had too many will do more damage to your reputation than your bloodshot eyes, so drink responsibly.